Where Do You Go IF Dreams Don't Fix You?


Moving Image

fixed media / 07’ 50’’ 
Visual & Sound: Dohi Kim


There is an empty space, in which nothing is true or false and just possibilities exist, like in a dream world. In this empty space, obscure but a entrancing scenes and a mysterious story are taking place. The piece begins with an enchanted word "IF" that can enable us to do any kind of things in our imagination. The work WHERE DO YOU GO IF DREAMS DON'T FIX YOU? summons this fantasy into our head by creating a abstract narrative space. 

The piece invites the audience to open all their senses and board on this unusual journey into fantasy. 

Graphic Tool: 

  • 3D Unity 
  • Autodesk Maya

Sound Tools:

  • Ableton Live 

The Shape 


Moving Image

fixed media / 5th order 3D Higher Order Ambisonics / 05’ 25’’ 
Visual & Sound: Dohi Kim

This ambisonics-audiovisual piece "The Shape" focuses on catalyzing experiences using "acoustic vibrations and textures". These have the power to draw out new emotions and stimulate delicate senses. The auditory experiences based on each individual's life story builds creative spaces in our brains as if we absorb visual stimuli. In this process, reconstruction of senses occurs in the space, while an innovative personal story is created through the moving diverse shapes and colors. 

Graphic Tools: 

  • Adobe After Effects

Sound Tools:

  • Ableton Live 



Moving Image

fixed media / 06’ 47’’ 
Visual: Dohi Kim
Sound: Christian Becker (Original Sound : Perserverantia by hackepicciotto)

Graphic Tools: 

  • Autodesk Maya
  • Adobe After Effects

Sound Tools:

  • Ableton Live 

Shooting Materials:

  • Water
  • Inks
  • Light
  • Camera


The Portrait  


An interactive visual synthesizer 

Visual & Sound: Dohi Kim
Programming: Benjamin Rivalland

This work is an interactive visual synthesizer based on the portrait of a novelist Edgar Allan Poe and his work as motifs.

This portrait provides us not only the visual information but also the acoustic information. This portrait provides us not only the visual information, but also the acoustic. It is designed to allow interactions between the portrait and the audience. The information that is presented to the audience can be reconstructed as they want. By adding their own body movements.  

Using a hand motion detecting sensor „Leap motion controller“ the audience can build up sounds as if adding colors on the canvas with a brush. 

This work consists of three chapters. The movement between chapters is made possible through hand gestures as if turning a bookshelf. And I also added a visual effect that the bookshelf turns over. It's like looking through his short story collection book you bought. 

Each chapter has its own background and sound, designed to create different atmospheres, like different stories. 

Graphic Tools: 

  • Autodesk Maya

Sound Tools: 

  • Max for Live

Programming Language:

  • Processing

image 01. LeapMotion Controller: An optical hand tracking module

Demonstration 1.

Demonstration 2.

Back projection